GLYLIB  0.3.0b
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* The following is a set of functions intended primarily to facilitate 
00002 debugging.  But, they could easily be used for verbose data output within
00003 the program.  They all follow the same basic format:
00005 print_X(X x, int level)
00007 where   X = one of the structures defined above (e.g., molecule, residue, 
00008                 bondset, atom, bond, atype, plane, vectormag_3D, coord_3D).
00009         *x = pointer to your structure
00010         level = the depth to print.  This is only available on structures 
00011                 likely to contain arrays of other structures.  level=0 only
00012                 prints the top-level information.  level=1 prints one level 
00013                 down of other structures, lists, etc. level=2 prints two 
00014                 levels down, etc.   The value of level can be larger than 
00015                 the depth available -- the function will stop when it runs
00016                 out of structures to print.  
00017   Author: Lachele Foley
00018 */
00019 #include <mylib.h>
00020 #include <molecules.h>
00021 //#include "../inc/mylib.h"
00022 //#include "../inc/molecules.h"
00023 void dXprint_coord_3D(coord_3D *c){
00024         printf("coord i j k \t%20.12f \t%20.12f \t%20.12f\n",c[0].i,c[0].j,c[0].k);
00025 return;
00026 }
00028 void dXprint_vectormag_3D(vectormag_3D *v){
00029         printf("vectormag i j k d \t%20.12f \t%20.12f \t%20.12f \t%20.12f\n",v[0].i,v[0].j,v[0].k,v[0].d); 
00030 return;
00031 }
00033 void dXprint_plane(plane *p){
00034         printf("plane A B C D \t%20.12f \t%20.12f \t%20.12f \t%20.12f\n",p[0].A,p[0].B,p[0].C,p[0].D); 
00035 return;
00036 }
00038 void dXprint_atype(atype *t,int i){
00039         int pa=0;
00040         printf("atype \tn=%d ; N=>>%s<< ; NT=>>%s<< ; m=%20.12f ; nb=%d\n",t[0].n,t[0].N,t[0].NT,t[0].m,t[0].nb);
00041         printf("\tdesc=>>%s<<\n",t[0].desc);
00042         if(i>0){ 
00043                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<t[0].nb));pa++){
00044                         printf("\t%20.12f",t[0].bo[pa]);
00045                         }
00046                 printf("\n");
00047                 }
00048 return;
00049 }
00051 void dXprint_molbond(molbond *mb){
00052         printf("molbond s (m,r,a=%d,%d,%d) t (m,r,a=%d,%d,%d) o %20.12f\n",mb[0].s.m,mb[0].s.r,mb[0].s.a,mb[0].t.m,mb[0].t.r,mb[0].t.a,mb[0].o);
00053 return;
00054 }
00055 void dXprint_bond(bond *b){
00056         printf("bond s (m,r,a=%d,%d,%d) t (m,r,a=%d,%d,%d) o %20.12f\n",b[0].s.m,b[0].s.r,b[0].s.a,b[0].t.m,b[0].t.r,b[0].t.a,b[0].o);
00057 return;
00058 }
00062 void dXprint_atom(atom *a,int i){
00063         int pa=0;
00064         printf("atom \tn=%d ; N=>>%s<< ; t=%d ; nb=%d ; nalt=%d ; nvec=%d\n",a[0].n,a[0].N,\
00065                 a[0].t,a[0].nb,a[0].nalt,a[0].nvec);
00066         printf("\tcoords x y z \t%20.12f \t%20.12f \t%20.12f\n",a[0].x.i,a[0].x.j,a[0].x.k); 
00067         if(i>0){
00068                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<a[0].nmb));pa++){
00069                         printf("\tmolbond set %d:  ",pa);
00070                         dXprint_molbond(&(a[0].mb[pa])); 
00071                         }
00072                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<a[0].nalt));pa++){
00073                         printf("\talt coord set %d:  ",pa);
00074                         dXprint_coord_3D(&(a[0].xa[pa])); 
00075                         }
00076                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<a[0].nvec));pa++){
00077                         printf("\tset %d:  ",pa);
00078                         dXprint_vectormag_3D(&(a[0].v[pa])); 
00079                         }
00080                 } 
00081 return;
00082 }
00084 void dXprint_molbondset(molbondset *bs,int i){
00085         printf("NEED TO WRITE dXprint_molbondset\n");
00086 return;
00087 }
00088 void dXprint_bondset(bondset *bs,int i){
00089         int pa=0;
00090         printf("bondset contains n=%d bonds\n",bs[0].n);
00091         if(i>0){
00092                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<bs[0].n));pa++){
00093                         printf("\tconsec bonds set %d : \t",pa);
00094                         dXprint_bond(&(bs[0].b[pa]));
00095                         }
00096                 }
00097 return;
00098 }
00100 void dXprint_residue(residue *r,int i){
00101         int pa=0;
00102         if(r[0].IC==NULL){printf("residue \tn=%d (no IC);",r[0].n);}
00103         else{printf("residue \tn=%d IC=%s;",r[0].n,r[0].IC);}
00104         printf(" N=>>%s<< ; na=%d ; nbs=%d ; nring=%d \n",r[0].N,\
00105                 r[0].na,r[0].nbs,r[0].nring); 
00106         if(i>0){
00107                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<r[0].na));pa++){
00108                         printf("\tatom set %d\n",pa);
00109                         dXprint_atom(&(r[0].a[pa]),i); 
00110                         }
00111                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<r[0].nbs));pa++){
00112                         printf("\tconsec. lin, bondset set %d\n",pa);
00113                         dXprint_molbondset(&(r[0].bs[pa]),i); 
00114                         }
00115                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<r[0].nrc));pa++){
00116                         printf("\tconsec ring coords set %d:  ",pa);
00117                         dXprint_coord_3D(&(r[0].rc[pa])); 
00118                         }
00119                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<r[0].nrp));pa++){
00120                         printf("\tring plane set %d:  ",pa);
00121                         dXprint_plane(&(r[0].rp[pa])); 
00122                         }
00123                 } 
00124 return;
00125 }
00127 void dXprint_molecule(molecule *m,int i){
00128         int pa=0;
00129         printf("molecule \ti=%d ; N=>>%s<< ; nr=%d \n",m[0].i,m[0].N,m[0].nr); 
00130         if(i>0){
00131                 for(pa=0;((pa<i)&&(pa<m[0].nr));pa++){
00132                         printf("\t\tset %d\n",pa);
00133                         dXprint_residue(&(m[0].r[pa]),i); 
00134                         }
00135                 }
00136 return;
00137 }
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