GLYLIB  0.3.0b
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* Function file read_amber8_mden.c begun on 20070911 by BLFoley
00003 This function reads information contained in fileset F.  The file
00004 pointer in the fileset must already be pointing to a file open with
00005 at least read capability.  The file should be a mden (detailed 
00006 energy) output file generated by sander.  This function was written
00007 for the AMBER 8 mden file format and should work with any other 
00008 version that uses the same format.
00010 The other arguments are NENT, the number of entries to read, and
00011 a pointer to a set of NENT scharsets (ENT).  These charsets contain
00012 the list of keywords for the type of data to be stored in the
00013 return array.  NOTE!!!  The entries in ENT can be in any order,
00014 but in the return array the information will be IN THE ORDER IN WHICH 
00015 IT APPEARS IN THE MDEN FILE.  The entries in ENT must exactly match
00016 the header keywords in an mden file.  
00018 The return array will be two-dimensional, of size NENT*NMAX.  The
00019 entries will be ordered such that the array can be accessed by
00020 ARYP[column][row].  
00022 If NENT is set to zero (and ENT is an empty char**), then the program
00023 will read the contents of the entire mden file.
00025 Example:
00027 You want to read in Nsteps, Temp, pres_Z and E_hbon from the mden file.
00028 The mden file contains 430 entries.
00030 Call the function:
00032         double *myarray;
00033         char **ent;
00034         fileset MyMDEN;
00036         ent=(char*)calloc(4,sizeof(char*));     
00037         ent[0]=strdup("Nsteps");
00038         ent[1]=strdup("Temp");
00039         ent[2]=strdup("pres_Z");
00040         ent[3]=strdup("E_hbon");
00041         MyMDEN.N=strdup("My_sander_eout.en");
00042         MyMDEN.F=myfopen(MyMDEN.N,"r");
00044         myarray=read_amber8_mden(4,ent,MyMDEN);
00046 The contents of myarray will look like:
00048 column contains -->     [index] Nsteps  Temp    pres_Z  E_hbon
00049   mden entry
00050       |                 [0]     1       320     0.98    42.6
00051       V                 [1]     300     365     1.54    54.3
00052                         [...]   ...     ...     ...     ...
00053                         [429]   129000  319     1.25    48.9
00055 The mden file looks like:
00057 L0  Nsteps           time(ps)         Etot             EKinetic
00058 L1  Temp             T_solute         T_solv           Pres_scal_solu
00059 L2  Pres_scal_solv   BoxX             BoxY             BoxZ
00060 L3  volume           pres_X           pres_Y           pres_Z
00061 L4  Pressure         EKCoM_x          EKCoM_y          EKCoM_z
00062 L5  EKComTot         VIRIAL_x         VIRIAL_y         VIRIAL_z
00063 L6  VIRIAL_tot       E_pot            E_vdw            E_el
00064 L7  E_hbon           E_bon            E_angle          E_dih
00065 L8  E_14vdw          E_14el           E_const          E_pol
00066 L9  AV_permMoment    AV_indMoment     AV_totMoment     Density          dV/dlambda
00067 L0        1  0.2330001000E+04  -.6429480312E+05  0.1684971086E+05
00068 L1 0.2977702692E+03  0.2977702692E+03  -.6434448936E+11  0.1000000000E+01
00069 L2 0.1000000000E+01  0.6062081490E+02  0.7469235400E+02  0.6063588770E+02
00070 L3 0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00
00071 L4 0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00
00072 L5 0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00
00073 L6 0.0000000000E+00  -.8114451398E+05  0.9217360369E+04  -.1082986506E+06
00074 L7 0.0000000000E+00  0.8145159202E+03  0.2010802568E+04  0.9283273104E+03
00075 L8 0.1272671427E+04  0.1291045899E+05  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00
00076 L9 0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  0.0000000000E+00  -.3245291868E+02
00077 (etc)
00078 */
00079 #include <AMBER/read_amber8_mden.h>
00080 //#include "../inc/read_amber8_mden.h"
00081 //#include "mylib.h"
00083 double **read_amber8_mden(int NENT,char **ENT,int NDATA,fileset F){
00084 int ra=0,rb=0,rc=0,NMAX=0,S[41];
00085 double **ARYP,toss; // pointer to return array
00086 char line[501];
00087 char *MDEN_ENT[41];
00089 //printf("Here, read mden TOP\n");
00091 // initialize some stuff
00092 MDEN_ENT[0]=strdup("Nsteps");
00093 MDEN_ENT[1]=strdup("time(ps)");
00094 MDEN_ENT[2]=strdup("Etot");
00095 MDEN_ENT[3]=strdup("EKinetic"); 
00096 MDEN_ENT[4]=strdup("Temp");
00097 MDEN_ENT[5]=strdup("T_solute");
00098 MDEN_ENT[6]=strdup("T_solv");
00099 MDEN_ENT[7]=strdup("Pres_scal_solu"); 
00100 MDEN_ENT[8]=strdup("Pres_scal_solv");
00101 MDEN_ENT[9]=strdup("BoxX");
00103 MDEN_ENT[10]=strdup("BoxY");
00104 MDEN_ENT[11]=strdup("BoxZ"); 
00105 MDEN_ENT[12]=strdup("volume");
00106 MDEN_ENT[13]=strdup("pres_X");
00107 MDEN_ENT[14]=strdup("pres_Y");
00108 MDEN_ENT[15]=strdup("pres_Z"); 
00109 MDEN_ENT[16]=strdup("Pressure");
00110 MDEN_ENT[17]=strdup("EKCoM_x");
00111 MDEN_ENT[18]=strdup("EKCoM_y");
00112 MDEN_ENT[19]=strdup("EKCoM_z");
00114 MDEN_ENT[20]=strdup("EKComTot");
00115 MDEN_ENT[21]=strdup("VIRIAL_x");
00116 MDEN_ENT[22]=strdup("VIRIAL_y");
00117 MDEN_ENT[23]=strdup("VIRIAL_z"); 
00118 MDEN_ENT[24]=strdup("VIRIAL_tot");
00119 MDEN_ENT[25]=strdup("E_pot");
00120 MDEN_ENT[26]=strdup("E_vdw");
00121 MDEN_ENT[27]=strdup("E_el"); 
00122 MDEN_ENT[28]=strdup("E_hbon");
00123 MDEN_ENT[29]=strdup("E_bon");
00125 MDEN_ENT[30]=strdup("E_angle");
00126 MDEN_ENT[31]=strdup("E_dih"); 
00127 MDEN_ENT[32]=strdup("E_14vdw");
00128 MDEN_ENT[33]=strdup("E_14el");
00129 MDEN_ENT[34]=strdup("E_const");
00130 MDEN_ENT[35]=strdup("E_pol"); 
00131 MDEN_ENT[36]=strdup("AV_permMoment");
00132 MDEN_ENT[37]=strdup("AV_indMoment");
00133 MDEN_ENT[38]=strdup("AV_totMoment");
00134 MDEN_ENT[39]=strdup("Density");
00135 MDEN_ENT[40]=strdup("dV/dlambda");
00137 if(NENT==0){
00138         NENT=41;
00139         ENT=MDEN_ENT;
00140         }
00141 ARYP=(double**)calloc(NENT,sizeof(double*));
00142 //printf("Here, read mden 1\n");
00143 // see which entries we need to grab
00144 rb=0;
00145 for(ra=0;ra<41;ra++){
00146         if(strcmp(MDEN_ENT[ra],ENT[rb])==0){
00147                 S[ra]=0;
00148                 rb++;}
00149         else{S[ra]=1;}
00150         }
00151 if(rb!=NENT) mywhine("Mismatch in NENT & rb in mden read");
00152 //printf("Here, read mden 2\n");
00154 F.F=myfreopen(F.N,"r",F.F);
00155 // look through the file to see how much memory to allocate
00156 rewind(F.F);
00157 //fgets(line,500,F.F); // get zeroth line
00158 ra=0;
00159 while(fgets(line,500,F.F)!=NULL){ if(strncmp(line,"L9",2)==0){ ra++; } }
00160 NMAX=ra-1;
00161 //printf("NMAX is %d\n",NMAX);
00162 if(NMAX<NDATA){mywhine("read_amber8_mden mismatch in number of expected data points");} 
00163 for(ra=0;ra<NENT;ra++){ ARYP[ra]=(double*)calloc(NMAX,sizeof(double)); }
00164 rewind(F.F);
00166 //// grab first 51 file entries and toss
00167 //for(ra=0;ra<51;ra++){fscanf(F.F,"%s",line);}
00168 // grab first 51 file entries and toss
00169 for(ra=0;ra<10;ra++){fgets(line,500,F.F);}
00170 // step through file, recording entries as needed
00171 for(ra=0;ra<NMAX;ra++){
00172         rc=0;
00173         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L0"
00174         if(strcmp(line,"L0")!=0){
00175                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00176                 exit(1);
00177                 }
00178         for(rb=0;rb<4;rb++){
00179                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00180                 if(S[rb]==0){
00181                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00182                         rc++;
00183                         }
00184                 }
00185         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L1"
00186         if(strcmp(line,"L1")!=0){
00187                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00188                 exit(1);
00189                 }
00190         for(rb=4;rb<8;rb++){
00191                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00192                 if(S[rb]==0){
00193                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00194                         rc++;
00195                         }
00196                 }
00197         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L2"
00198         if(strcmp(line,"L2")!=0){
00199                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00200                 exit(1);
00201                 }
00202         for(rb=8;rb<12;rb++){
00203                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00204                 if(S[rb]==0){
00205                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00206                         rc++;
00207                         }
00208                 }
00209         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L3"
00210         if(strcmp(line,"L3")!=0){
00211                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00212                 exit(1);
00213                 }
00214         for(rb=12;rb<16;rb++){
00215                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00216                 if(S[rb]==0){
00217                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00218                         rc++;
00219                         }
00220                 }
00221         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L4"
00222         if(strcmp(line,"L4")!=0){
00223                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00224                 exit(1);
00225                 }
00226         for(rb=16;rb<20;rb++){
00227                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00228                 if(S[rb]==0){
00229                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00230                         rc++;
00231                         }
00232                 }
00233         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L5"
00234         if(strcmp(line,"L5")!=0){
00235                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00236                 exit(1);
00237                 }
00238         for(rb=20;rb<24;rb++){
00239                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00240                 if(S[rb]==0){
00241                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00242                         rc++;
00243                         }
00244                 }
00245         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L6"
00246         if(strcmp(line,"L6")!=0){
00247                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00248                 exit(1);
00249                 }
00250         for(rb=24;rb<28;rb++){
00251                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00252                 if(S[rb]==0){
00253                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00254                         rc++;
00255                         }
00256                 }
00257         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L7"
00258         if(strcmp(line,"L7")!=0){
00259                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00260                 exit(1);
00261                 }
00262         for(rb=28;rb<32;rb++){
00263                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00264                 if(S[rb]==0){
00265                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00266                         rc++;
00267                         }
00268                 }
00269         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L8"
00270         if(strcmp(line,"L8")!=0){
00271                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00272                 exit(1);
00273                 }
00274         for(rb=32;rb<36;rb++){
00275                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00276                 if(S[rb]==0){
00277                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00278                         rc++;
00279                         }
00280                 }
00281         fscanf(F.F,"%s",line); // toss "L9"
00282         if(strcmp(line,"L9")!=0){
00283                 printf("In read_amber8_mden, expect >>L0<< found >>%s<<\n",line);
00284                 exit(1);
00285                 }
00286         for(rb=36;rb<41;rb++){
00287                 fscanf(F.F,"%lf",&toss);
00288                 if(S[rb]==0){
00289                         ARYP[rc][ra]=toss;
00290                         rc++;
00291                         }
00292                 }
00293         }
00295 return ARYP;
00296 }
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