GLYLIB  0.3.0b
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* File read_amber_prmtop.c begun on 20080425 by BLFoley
00002         Purpose: read amber prmtop file info into an assembly 
00003         See also: amber_prmtop_structs.h */
00004 //#include "molecules.h"
00005 //#include "general.h"
00006 #include "AMBER/amber_prmtop.h"
00007 //#include "amber_prmtop_structs.h"
00008 //#include "declarations.h"
00009 //void read_amber_prmtop_asis(fileset F,amber_prmtop *P);
00010 // the amber_prmtop *P should be -already- allocated and initialized
00013 /********** assembly *read_amber_prmtop(fileset F) **********/
00014 /* Main function for reading the prmtop file 
00015  * the amber_prmtop *P should be -already- allocated and initialized 
00016  * BUT, it should be otherwise empty  */
00017 void read_amber_prmtop_asis(fileset F,amber_prmtop *P){
00018 int aa=0,anl=0,sec=0,ent=0,fld=0; // generic, line, section, entry & field counters
00019 int newflag=0,newline=0,iseof=1; // utility flags
00020 char line[501],over[501],tmp[81],*s1,*s2,*fgets_check; 
00021 fpos_t line_current;
00024 // Open files and initialize some variables
00025 //F.F=myfreopen(F.N,"r",F.F); // don't depend on calling function to have opened
00026 F.F=myfopen(F.N,"r"); // 
00027 P[0].FN=strdup(F.N); // the name of the file from which these data were taken
00028 P[0].nS=0; // the prmtop structure should be empty
00029 P[0].S=(amber_prmtop_section*)calloc(1,sizeof(amber_prmtop_section));
00030 P[0].SN=(char**)calloc(1,sizeof(char*));
00032 //
00033 // Get the first line, which should be the "VERSION"
00034 //
00035 if(fgets(line,500,F.F)==NULL){read_fneek("Problem in read_amber_prmtop",1,0,F.N);}
00036 // See if the first 500 chars includes a newline...
00037 if(strchr(line,'\n')==NULL){ // if we didn't get the whole line
00038         fld=500;
00039         fprintf(stderr,"Unusually long VERSION line.\n");
00040         fprintf(stderr,"-- Ignoring characters beyond 500.\n");
00041         if(fgets(over,500,F.F)==NULL){// try to get rest of line
00042                 read_fneek("Problem reading VERSION line in read_amber_prmtop.",1,fld,F.N);}
00043         while(strchr(over,'\n')==NULL){// try to get rest of line
00044                 fld+=500;
00045                 if(fgets(over,500,F.F)==NULL){
00046                         read_fneek("Problem readin VERSION line in read_amber_prmtop.",1,fld,F.N);}
00047                 }
00048         } // close lengthy line check...
00049 if(strncmp("\%VERSION",line,8)!=0){
00050         read_eek("First line not \%VERSION.",F.N);}
00051 P[0].VERSION=strdup(line); 
00052 anl=2;
00053 fld=0;
00054 //
00055 // grab next line, which should be a flag line
00056 //
00057 if(fgets(line,500,F.F)==NULL){ 
00058         read_fneek("Problem in read_amber_prmtop",anl,fld,F.N);} 
00059 // Check the line -- it should be a short-ish FLAG line
00061 //printf("FLAG line read from top is >>>%s<<<\n",line);
00063 if(strchr(line,'\n')==NULL){// die if line too long
00064 read_eek("FLAG line over 500 chars... \n",F.N);}
00065 //
00066 // Read the FLAG entry
00067 //
00068 if(strncmp("\%FLAG",line,5)!=0){ // must start with %FLAG
00069 read_fneek("Entry not FLAG in read_amber_prmtop",anl,fld,F.N);}
00070 // Parse the FLAG line
00071 if(sscanf(line,"%s %s",over,tmp)!=2){mywhine("Problem in read_amber_prmtop with 1st FLAG read.");}
00072 newflag=0;
00073 //
00074 // Start main read of topology file
00075 // 
00076 while(newflag==0){// while we have found another flag entry
00077         // We have a FLAG entry, so increment the number of sections
00078 //printf("line (FLAG) is >>%s<<\n",line);
00079         sec=P[0].nS;
00080         P[0].nS++; 
00081         // Allocate memory 
00082         P[0].S=(amber_prmtop_section*)realloc(P[0].S,P[0].nS*sizeof(amber_prmtop_section));
00083         P[0].SN=(char**)realloc(P[0].SN,P[0].nS*sizeof(char*));
00084         P[0].SN[sec]=strdup(tmp); // record FLAG entry in
00085         P[0].S[sec].N=strdup(tmp); // both locations 
00086         // clear the other entries in the new structure
00087         P[0].S[sec].FORMAT=NULL;
00088         P[0].S[sec].TYPE=NULL;
00089         P[0].S[sec].desc=NULL;
00090         P[0].S[sec].is_standard=0;
00091         P[0].S[sec].nc=0;
00092         P[0].S[sec].npl=0;
00093         P[0].S[sec].nt=0;
00094         P[0].S[sec].ns=0;
00095         P[0].S[sec].nu=0;
00096         P[0].S[sec].D=NULL; 
00097         //
00098         // Read the FORMAT entry
00099         // 
00100         anl++;
00101         if(fgets(line,500,F.F)==NULL){ // if we can't read the line, die
00102                 read_fneek("Problem in read_amber_prmtop.",anl,fld,F.N);}
00103 //printf("FORMAT line read from top is >>>%s<<<\n",line);
00104         if(strchr(line,'\n')==NULL){ // FORMAT lines should be short-ish
00105                 read_fneek("FORMAT line over 500 chars... \n",anl,fld,F.N);}
00106         if(strncmp("\%FORMAT",line,7)!=0){// must start with %FORMAT
00107                 read_fneek("Entry not FORMAT in read_amber_prmtop",anl,fld,F.N);} 
00108 //printf("line (FORMAT) is >>%s<<\n",line); 
00109         // split line by parentheses as tokens
00110         s1=strdup(strtok(line,"()"));// toss out the "%FORMAT" part
00111         P[0].S[sec].FORMAT=strdup(strtok(NULL,"()")); // save next
00112         s1=strdup(P[0].S[sec].FORMAT); // save a char string to tear apart
00113         // parse the format string
00114         s2=strdup(strtok(s1,"aAiIfFeE")); // up to the format identifier
00115         sscanf(s2,"%d",&P[0].S[sec].npl); // max entries expected per line
00116         s2=strdup(strtok(NULL,".")); // up to any periods
00117         if((strchr(s2,'S')!=NULL)||(strchr(s2,'N')!=NULL)){over[0]='0';} // EN or ES
00118         sscanf(s2,"%d",&P[0].S[sec].nc); // number of chars in format 
00119 //printf("parsed format:  npl is %d ; nc is %d \n",P[0].S[sec].npl,P[0].S[sec].nc);
00120         //
00121         // Read the section
00122         // 
00123         P[0].S[sec].D=(char**)calloc(1,sizeof(char*)); // initially allocate **D
00124         P[0].S[sec].nt=0; // total pieces of data found 
00125         ent=0;
00126         if(fgetpos(F.F,&line_current)!=0){mywhine("Problem getting line_start position in read_amber_prmtop.");}
00127         fgets_check=fgets(line,6,F.F);
00128         while(fgets_check!=NULL){
00129 //printf("the new section fgets's line is >>%s<<\n",line);
00130                 if(strcspn(line,"\0")==0){ //printf("found empty line\n");
00131                         if(fgetpos(F.F,&line_current)!=0){mywhine("Problem getting line_current position in read_amber_prmtop.");}
00132                         fgets_check=fgets(line,6,F.F);
00133                         continue;
00134                         }
00135                 anl++; // we have a new line
00136                 fld=0; // start field count over
00137                 // check to see if first 5 chars match "%FLAG"
00138                 if(strncmp(line,"\%FLAG",5)==0){ 
00139 //printf("found a FLAG line, resetting line start\n"); 
00140                         if(fsetpos(F.F,&line_current)!=0){mywhine("Problem resetting line_start position in read_amber_prmtop.");}
00141                         break;} // if so, stop this
00142                 if(strcspn(line,"\n")==0){
00143                         fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected blank line in read_amber_prmtop\n");
00144                         fprintf(stderr,"   at line number %d in file %s.  Ignoring.\n",anl,F.N);
00145                         fprintf(stderr,"The section (%d) FLAG is:  %s\n",sec,P[0].SN[sec]);
00146                         if(fgetpos(F.F,&line_current)!=0){mywhine("Problem getting line_current position in read_amber_prmtop.");}
00147                         fgets_check=fgets(line,6,F.F);
00148                         continue;
00149                         }
00150 // 
00151 // Now read the rest of the line...
00152 // 
00153 //printf("reading the rest of the line.\n");
00154 if(fsetpos(F.F,&line_current)!=0){mywhine("Problem resetting line_start position in read_amber_prmtop.");}
00155 newline=1;
00156 while(newline!=0){
00157         if(fgets(line,(P[0].S[sec].nc+1),F.F)==NULL){
00158                 read_fneek("problem reading data line in read_amber_prmtop",anl,ent,F.N);}
00159 //printf("the line-bit for P[0].S[sec].nc=%d is >>>%s<<<\n",P[0].S[sec].nc,line);
00160 //printf("in ascii decimal: ");
00161 //for(ae=0;ae<P[0].S[sec].nc+1;ae++){printf(" %d ",line[ae]);}
00162 //printf("\n");
00163         if(strcspn(line,"\0")==0){ //printf("found empty string\n");
00164                 newline=0;
00165                 break;}
00166         if(strcspn(line,"\n")==0){ // at end of line, no new data
00167                 newline=0;
00168                 break;}
00169         if(strchr(line,'\n')!=NULL){ // this is the end of a line, but with data 
00170                 for(aa=0;aa<strlen(line);aa++){ //check for all whitespace
00171                         if(isspace(line[aa])==0) newline=-1; // something isn't white
00172                         }
00173                 if(newline==-1){
00174                         line[strcspn(line,"\n")]='\0'; 
00175                         ent=P[0].S[sec].nt; // for convenience
00176                         // allocate space for the next entry
00177                         P[0].S[sec].nt++;
00178                         P[0].S[sec].D=(char**)realloc(P[0].S[sec].D,P[0].S[sec].nt*sizeof(char*));
00179                         P[0].S[sec].D[ent]=(char*)calloc(P[0].S[sec].nc+1,sizeof(char));
00180                         strncpy(P[0].S[sec].D[ent],line,P[0].S[sec].nc+1);
00181 //printf("the entry for P[0].S[%d].D[%d] is -now- >>>%s<<< ; nt is %d\n",sec,ent,P[0].S[sec].D[ent],P[0].S[sec].nt);
00182                         }
00183                 newline=0;
00184                 break;
00185                 }
00186         ent=P[0].S[sec].nt; // for convenience
00187         // allocate space for the next entry
00188         P[0].S[sec].nt++;
00189         P[0].S[sec].D=(char**)realloc(P[0].S[sec].D,P[0].S[sec].nt*sizeof(char*));
00190         P[0].S[sec].D[ent]=(char*)calloc(P[0].S[sec].nc+1,sizeof(char));
00191         strncpy(P[0].S[sec].D[ent],line,P[0].S[sec].nc+1); 
00192 //printf("the entry for P[0].S[%d].D[%d] is -now- >>>%s<<< ; nt is %d\n",sec,ent,P[0].S[sec].D[ent],P[0].S[sec].nt);
00193 //printf("the entry for P[0].S[%d].D[%d] is -now- >>>%s<<<\n",sec,ent,P[0].S[sec].D[ent]);
00194         } // close while not a new line
00195         if(fgetpos(F.F,&line_current)!=0){mywhine("Problem getting line_current position in read_amber_prmtop.");}
00196         fgets_check=fgets(line,6,F.F);
00197         }// close fgets within a section 
00199         if(newflag==-1){break;}
00200         if(fgets(line,500,F.F)==NULL){ 
00201                 if(fgetc(F.F)==EOF){
00202                         iseof=1;
00203                         newflag=-1;
00204                         break;}
00205                 else{read_fneek("Problem in FLAG line read read_amber_prmtop",anl,0,F.N);}
00206                 } 
00207         if(newflag==-1){break;}
00208         // If here, then we found a FLAG, read it in, exit loop and start new
00209         // Check the line -- it should be a short-ish FLAG line
00210         if(strchr(line,'\n')==NULL){// die if line too long
00211         read_eek("FLAG line over 500 chars... \n",F.N);}
00212         //
00213         // Read the FLAG entry
00214         //
00215         // Parse the FLAG line
00216 //printf("Flag line is >>>%s<<<\n",line);
00217         if(sscanf(line,"%s %s",over,tmp)!=2){
00218                 read_fneek("Problem FLAG entry scan, read_amber_prmtop.",anl,1,F.N);}
00219         } // close fgets for reading file
00221 fclose(F.F);
00223 /*
00224 F.F=myfopen("test_rewrite_of_prmtop","w");
00225 fprintf(F.F,"%s",P[0].VERSION);
00226 for(sec=0;sec<P[0].nS;sec++){ // for each section found
00227         fprintf(F.F,"%%FLAG %s\n",P[0].S[sec].N);
00228         fprintf(F.F,"%%FORMAT(%s)\n",P[0].S[sec].FORMAT);
00229         for(aa=0;aa<P[0].S[sec].nt;aa++){
00230                 fprintf(F.F,"%s",P[0].S[sec].D[aa]);
00231                 //fprintf(F.F,"D[%d] is >>>%s<<<\n",aa,P[0].S[sec].D[aa]);
00232                 fflush(F.F);
00233 //printf("\naa is %d ; P[0].S[%d].npl is %d ; (aa+1)%%npl is %d\n",aa,sec,P[0].S[sec].npl,);
00234                 if((((aa+1)%P[0].S[sec].npl))==0){fprintf(F.F,"\n");} 
00235                 //if((((aa+1)*P[0].S[sec].nc))%80==0){printf("\n");} 
00236                 }
00237         if(((aa)*P[0].S[sec].nc)%80!=0){fprintf(F.F,"\n");} 
00238         }
00239 fclose(F.F);
00240 */
00242 return;
00243 } 
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