

This program uses Amber trajectories to calculate average 3J couplings.  It also produces histograms of 3-bond torsion angles from -180 to 180 degrees from the trajectories.  There are several types of options that the program can use.

How to obtain the program

This program uses Amber trajectories to calculate average 3J couplings.  It also produces histograms of 3-bond torsion angles from -180 to 180 degrees from the trajectories.  There are several types of options that the program can use.

How to obtain the program

Click the green arrow in the graphic below to download the program files. Click on “DETAILS” to view additional information about the program.

Template file :: default does not exist!

The program is also available for download here:

Software Downloads

Associated Publication



Installation instructions are included in the download referenced at the top of this page.


Use instructions are included in the download referenced at the top of this page.

Click the green arrow in the graphic below to download the program files. Click on “DETAILS” to view additional information about the program.

This program uses Amber trajectories to calculate average 3J couplings.  It also produces histograms of 3-bond torsion angles from -180 to 180 degrees from the trajectories.  There are several types of options that the program can use.


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