Category Archives: News

A mailing list for GLYCAM

There is now a users email list for GLYCAM-Web and the GLYCAM force fields. To sign up: Subscribers to the list can get help by posting questions and will receive occasional announcements relevant to GLYCAM and GLYCAM-Web. Note:  posts to this list are publicly archived.

The new GLYCAM-Web is here!

We in the Woods group are pleased to announce the new GLYCAM-Web! General enhancements include: Hardware and software are much more stable Cleaner, more organized interface Greatly expanded (and still expanding!) documentation New Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) Builder Email notifications Bug tracking facility Improved visibility of force field information Enhancements to the Carbohydrate Builder include: Build direction […]

New site coming soon!

We are in the final stretch, and the updated GLYCAM-Web will become official soon! For a short time after migration, this development site will not be available, but the main site will be identical to this one.  In fact, it will be this one!