
You can use Quick-URLs to easily access certain parts of GLYCAM-Web.  Quick URLs are short codes you can append to “legacy.glycam.org” to directly access a portion of the site.

For example, these are all Quick URLs:

Throughout the site, look for buttons to the left of a title and some descriptive text.  If the button contains a short abbreviation for the title, then that short abbreviation is the part you need to add to “legacy.glycam.org/” to make the Quick URL.

For example, from the following information about the High Mannose Oligosaccharide Library, you would know that legacy.glycam.org/hmlib will take you directly to that library.

High Mannose High mannose structures containing only mannose and glucose in bi- and tri-antennary structures linked to an N-acetyl-glucosamine core

You can also browse the list of recognized buttons.